This issue of MMJC insights covers the following: Conversion of loan into Equity: Understanding section 62(3) of Companies act, 2013 Regulatory Safeguards for Fund Allocation: Navigating Variations in Objects of the Issue Custom Fit or Ready-Made? Rethinking the Approach to UPSI Lists RBI digitizes the process of Compounding under FEMA, 1999 The entry in the
In the latest third amendment of FY 25 to LODR, several important changes have been introduced to strengthen corporate governance, better transparency norms, and streamline processes for equity listed entities in India. These initiatives, put forward by SEBI also aim to improve ease of doing compliance while warranting better participation of Board and Key Managerial personnel. Here’s a look at the impact of key changes in LODR read
Introduction The Bombay Stock Exchange (‘BSE’) and National Stock Exchange (‘NSE’) has introduced a streamlined process to refund 1% security deposit kept with the Designated Stock Exchange (DSE) by companies whose IPOs got listed before May 18, 2024. This new Joint Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is issued pursuant to circular of Securities and Exchange Board
Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) vide its amendment notification dt: December 4, 2024, has made effective amendment to definition of Connected Person as approved by the SEBI Board at its meeting held on September 30, 2024. Pursuant to this amendment ‘relatives’ of connected persons would be considered deemed connected persons. Prior to the
BSE has introduced detailed guidelines to merchant bankers for drafting SME IPO offer document to ensure transparency, compliance, and investor protection. These updates are designed to simplify the process and improve the quality of disclosures, making it easier for investors to make informed decisions. Effective from 18 November, 2024 Here’s everything you need to know
Introduction This Guidance Note has been prepared to assist merchant bankers in the preparation and submission of offer documents for SME Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). The guidance provided herein outlines the key regulatory requirements, compliance standards, and best practices that merchant bankers must adhere to when preparing the offer documents. It aims to help ensure
Date: December 5, 2024 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has rolled out a significant initiative to simplify how Merchant Bankers handle their due diligence records during public issues. To ensure smoother record maintenance, SEBI is introducing an online Document Repository platform managed by stock exchanges. This platform allows Merchant Bankers to upload
In a move to simplify compliance, SEBI has withdrawn the requirement to deposit 1% issue size available to public for subscription as deposit with designated stock exchange by the issuer company. What Was the Provision? Under Regulation 38(1) of SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 (ICDR), issuer companies were required to deposit
Introduction SEBI has proposed 26 reforms to improve the framework governing SMEs under the SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2018, and the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015. These reforms aim to enhance transparency, governance, and investor protection while encouraging growth in the SME sector. Detailed Key Proposals PART I: SME provisions under ICDR A.SME IPO Process: I. Increase
This issue of CTC publication covers the following cases: In the matter of Times Innovative Media Limited (Appellant) vs. Pawan Kumar Aggarwal (Liquidator/Respondent no.1) and Anr., at National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) New Delhi dated 19 September 2024 In the matter of HT Media Ltd And Anr vs. Regional Director & Ors, NCLAT principle