Frequently asked questions on Integrated Filing (Financials) for quarter ended December 31, 2024.
January 21, 2025
Frequently asked questions on Integrated Filing (Financials) for quarter ended December 31, 2024. - MMJC
Q1. What all quarterly filings are required to be filed as part of Integrated Filing (Financials)?
Integrated Filing (Financials)comprises of
Financial results and financial statements submitted to stock exchanges under Regulation 33 of SEBI (LODR).
Statement of Related Party Transactions as per reg. 23(9) of SEBI LODR.
Statement of Impact of Audit Qualifications
Statement of deviations or variations in use of funds raised as per reg. 32 of SEBI LODR.
Quarterly disclosure of outstanding default on loans/debt securities
Q2. For disclosures which are forming a part of Integrated filing (Financials) is XBRL utility required to be filed if yes within how many days?
XBRL utility shall continue to be filed wherever applicable is stated out by stock exchanges in its circular January 2, 2025.
So XBRL Filings need to be done as follows:
Time duration
Financial results and financial statements submitted to stock exchanges under Regulation 33 of SEBI (LODR).
Submission of quick results as per stated timeline. Financial results and financial statements within 48 hours of the Board Meeting (BM)
Statement of Related Party Transactions as per reg. 23(9) of SEBI LODR
Along with the financial results
Statement of deviations or variations in use of funds raised as per reg. 32 of SEBI LODR.
Within 45 days
Quarterly disclosures of outstanding default on loan /debt securities
Yes, if XBRL utility is available
Within 45 days
Q3. Integrated Filing (financials) in new format is required to be filed within what time and in what form?
Integrated filing (financials) in Pdf form has to be filed within 24 hours of submission of outcome of board meeting. Hence it is recommended that listed entities may consider conducting their board meeting till February 13, 2025 (i.e. avoid keeping on the February 14, 2025) to avoid last minute filing.
Q4. Format of financial results to be disclosed as part of Board outcome and that forming part of Integrated Filing (Financials) in new format would it be same or different?
As per Integrated Filings (financial) format of disclosure of financials results shall be as per prescribed in schedule III to Companies Act 2013 along with publishing of periodic figures as per paras of Section III A of Sebi Master Circular dated 11 November 2024.
While submitting the outcome of the board meeting to the stock exchange financial results will have to be published along with audit report its review report, statement of cash flows, statement of assets and liabilities and segmented review details.
Financial Result components that need to be disclosed in Integrated filing financials and as part of outcome of BM may be as follows:
Integrated Filing (Financials)
Outcome of BM
Financial results as per reg. 33 of SEBI LODR in schedule III format with periodic bifurcation as specified at para 5 of section III-A of SEBI Master circular dt: November 11, 2024.
Segmented Revenue.
Cash Flow statements as and when applicable as per reg. 33(3)(g) of SEBI LODR.
Statement of assets and liabilities as per reg. 33(3)(f) of SEBI LODR.
Q5. Whether Integrated filing financials is applicable to SME Listed entities and purely debt listed entities?
Integrated filing financials comprises of compliances under Regulation 23(9) [disclosure of related party transactions], Regulation 33[disclosure of quarterly financial results], Quarterly disclosures of outstanding default on loan /debt securities and Regulation 32 [disclosure of statement of deviation or variation], if any.
These provisions are also applicable to entities who have their specifiedsecurities listed on SME Exchange except for disclosures under reg 23(9).
Frequency at which this has to be filed by SME listed entities remains unchanged.
Purely debt listed entities are not governed by regulation 23(9) [disclosure of related party transactions], regulation 33 [disclosure of quarterly financial results], disclosure by listed entity of defaults on payment of interest / repayment of principal amount on loans[1] and regulation 32 [disclosure of statement of deviation or variation] of SEBI (LODR). Hence debt listed entities are not required to file Integrated filing (financials).